Our Mission & Vision

Seba Samity is a fitting memorial erected to the memory of Shibsankar Chowdhury, who laid his life while upholding human values. Shibsankar fought for the freedom of his mother land, suffered in jail for years and in his life time became a legendary figure through his social, humanitarian and philanthropic services to the people in distress. As a true freedom fighter, he nursed a dream of not only making people of our country free from foreign rule but also make them free from all kinds of exploitation, hunger and diseases.

To carry forward the glorious heritage that he left before us, Saheed Shibsankar Seba Samity had its foundation on May 23, 1978. It was registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act, 1961, registration number being S/22240 of 1978-79 with Late Fakir Chandra Roy, a noted Freedom Fighter as its first President. Eminent personalities of Burdwan district from various walks of life came forward actively in organizing the Seba Samity.

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Health as defined by WHO is not only an absence of disease but a state of mental and physical well being. Therefore, the basic amenities which lead to a healthy living and productive participation as a member of society viz. food, pure drinking water, shelter, clothings, sanitation, & health care education have to be ensured for the granite foundation of health. Some 'Workshops for human disrepair are rendering excellent services, but a basic structural inadequacy in their way of defining the health problems of this country has yet to be devloped to arouse people for an organized health movement. Seba Samity is not another hospital or a voluntary organization where curative health care is usually offered to ailing people. It is an institution, where preventive actions are encouraged, health education is offered with a view to make people conscious about their basic rights to healthy living.

That is why Seba Samity is striving to evolve all the constituents of a comprehensive health care delivery where the main emphasis is on unleashing popular initiative for social action. It also attempts to act as an inter-face agency between the ailing people and the curative center. The meagre curative services that Seba Samity have, are offered only to develop a bondage with the people in distress. The preventive health programmes that Seba Samity adheres to are basically a three way scheme-(1)-Early detection of illness in a particular community and identification of the underlying causes (2) - Immunization and Vaccinations against some recognized diseases which take a great toll of life and (3)-Health education.